About Valiyan

During the period 09.2019 – 03.2022 Valiyan Ltd finished successfully the project Greener Furniture for Greener Future through which we managed to implement the concept for close-to-zero waste production process, more than 90% reduction of the emitted CO2 and other emissions, utilization of the generated wastes by the wood processing.

We also implemented energy efficiency measures by installing energy saving lighting all over the premises, special hydro and heat insulation roof, irrigation system using rainwater.

As a result of the project we have a fully finished and equipped, working facilities, answering all modern norms for energy and productivity effectiveness, considerably reduced negative impact on the environment, ensuring more than 100 sustainable jobs.

Our project partner was IDN Norway company whose experts helped for optimizing the technology processes and equipment layout.

The project was supported financially by Innovation Norway in the frame of Green Industry Innovation programme.

Valiyan’s team would like to thank for the support of the experts of Innovation Norway team!


Valiyan is a leading Bulgarian furniture producer. Our main aim is achieving customer’s satisfaction by using new technologies, hiring high qualified professionals and developing furniture based on design requests.

The company produces custom made furniture and completes interior for residential and business premises, hotels, restaurants, bars and café.

We work in collaboration with well-known local and international designers and architects. Their creative ideas get realized in our factory in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Tailor’s made furniture, produced and installed by Valiyan could be seen in many residences, hotels, and restaurants in Bulgaria, Europe and Middle East.